Monday, November 19, 2012

Early Thanksgiving Celebrations

This day had its ups and downs, ending on an alright note, I think.


  • Makeup was put on in a flash (I think I'm going to pair up hair and makeup photos together) and done pretty well
  • I was treated to a haircut over at the Great Clips over by my folk's house (pictures to follow sometime soonish! Explanation below on the last con)
  • Since my haircut was done fast and wonderfully, I got to hangout with my side of the family for the first time in a good while (especially with J.R. and Remi), and get some me time in the process
  • I got to play Street Fighter x Tekken on J.R.'s new laptop (So. Much. AWESOMENESS!!! I'm so jelly of the graphics card he has for his laptop!)
  • Desserts galore!!!
  • Evelyn was rather behaved throughout the day (On that note, I'm so proud of her!)
  • So much food at both dinners!
  • Family got along, for the most part, on both sides
  • We got to watch the latest Adventure Time episode with everyone :3
  • Kids (especially Evelyn) and MIL appreciating and trying out my homemade apple cider jello (it tasted even better with fresh whipped cream. OMG)
  • Even though we participated in early Thanksgiving dinners, it felt like Thanksgiving today since both families celebrated today in a full manner
  • I wish my makeup could have been more party oriented, but that didn't work out since I was rushed for time (little sleep + little head's up on when my dad was going to pick me up = no fancy makeup); due to this, I'm forced to do my makeup in the original way I wanted to tomorrow for picture purposes (I can't break the promise I made to my to my friend! There will be pictures, dammit!)
  • Ian forgot the diaper bag when he brought Evelyn over to my folk's house (one of the contributing factors in leaving way earlier than I wanted to)
  • Problems in dealing with Remi (I sincerely wish that wasn't the case, as he's a really good dog when he wants to be. Also, I'm not going into detail on this since it's really depressing); various issues contributed to this
  • T.J.'s dinner stories (another thing I won't go in detail to...let's just say a good portion of the stories were pretty gross and leave it at that!)
  • People took off quite quickly after dinner was over at my folk's house, so no one tried the jello I made for dessert
  • People talking in Mickey Mouse voices for hours (driving me insane and pissy in the process!); this includes Ian! Not cool!
  • A good game of Apples-To-Apples gone sour (not in the good way!)
  • People leaving early and falling asleep due to the "itis"
  • Not enough pictures taken today due to my phone acting up and turning off on me at random times (I really should have brought along Ian's Holga!)

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