Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!


I can't believe another year has flown by in my life. They really weren't kidding when they said that time flies by when you have kids.

Highlights of the day:

  • Birthday greetings from my youngest brother past midnight via phone call
  • Amazing luck during games on Neopets (first round I played them today)
  • Being treated to breakfast over at Cracker Barrel
  • Finally completed shopping for my close family
  • The weather was so nice out (both day and night), despite it being windy (I got to wear dresses without tights for a change without completely freezing myself silly!)
  • The lettering that I did for the stockings turned out pretty well, even though I used puff paint
  • Mario's, Jeanine's, and Chia's birthday wishes were pretty freaking epic
  • The bazillion birthday wishes, on that note, on multiple social media sites (I feel loved! Thanks everyone! ^w^ )
  • I got a good majority of the presents I needed to wrapped (the only ones left that I need to work on are my close family's)
  • Being treated to dinner over at Ha' Penny (the lamb stew was so amazing!...the hot buttered rum, not so much, at least when paired with the lamb stew; it was also quite strong/bitter beyond belief [you would think that the hot buttered rum would be a bit more sweeter! I can't wait to try the recipe that Denise is sending over!])
  • Katrina got me a Sailor Saturn t-shirt!!!
  • Ian got me the limited edition set of the Halloween themed Calico Critters I have been wanting forever!!!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go pass out now. Today has been so awesome that I'm tuckered out. Peace. ^w^

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