Ian took a better picture of our Yule/Christmas tree than I did, so I'm posting his take on it.
Here are the reasons why:
- I got a good majority of what I requested on my wishlist. That usually never happens, like ever.
- If I got a gift that wasn't on my wishlist, it was still pretty awesome/useful.
- I didn't get hosed for once!!! I had a good cry after realizing that. Another thing that usually never happens.
- There were some minor squabbles, but they were resolved quickly.
- No major fights happened today! On my family's side, that's a first in thirteen years!
- Amazing sheet monster time... XD
- Our tree might be small, but it looks pretty awesome!
- I got to watch Adventure Time with my in-laws. Adventure Time is the best anytime.
- Hello, White Christmas! I totally wasn't expecting snow.
- Delicious meals, prepared and eaten with, family
- My husband being completely awesome on multiple accounts today. He went above and beyond today.
- Evelyn got to spend time with my side of the family more via being babysat after having a late lunch with them. Mom recalling the time spent with her was worth it. My parents got their wish, and Ian got much needed sleep. Major win-win on everyone's part.
- Watching the original version of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas with Ian, Logan, Brett, and Evelyn. Totally worth it for the Who Hash jokes alone that followed the rest of the day/night.
So yeah... that's this Christmas in a nutshell in my point of view.
If you celebrate Christmas, I wish you the merriest of times. Take care now! <3
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